
The Beat

The Beat

Martina Santos 26 (left) hosts Nieves Gomez as an exchange student from Madrid.
Meet Nieves Gomez
May 27, 2024

Elly’s Tips for a Productive Year: How to empower during troubling times


By: Elly Molina ‘23

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it, without claiming it, she stands up for all women” – Maya Angelou

With the uncertainty of COVID-19, many of us may begin to doubt the opportunities the new year will bring. We have all heard it before. From your mom, coach, or teacher. Positive change is not possible with a negative mindset. Now, I understand with the past year, it seems almost impossible to remain positive through all the obstacles that have been thrown at us. As students, we have had to adapt to virtual learning, but as sisters of the Carrollton community, we have learned how support and empowerment allow us to persevere during troubling times. 

Some may express the opinion that an all girls’ school might be lacking in somethings that a coed school experience provides. On the contrary, I see Carrollton as the holy grail of female empowerment – a place where we can lift each other up through the values and virtues of the Sacred Heart. The importance of creating an atmosphere that empowers young women is emphasized through the achievements, progress, and potential that lies inside all the students at Carrollton. 

With complete honesty, I struggle with empowering others when I lack the confidence to believe in myself. So, I have reflected on the small, simple ways I can empower the young women here, and so can you.

  • Be present during school hours when you can. 
  • Embrace all the women who surround you. 
  • Walk the halls with open eyes and ears, rather than being sucked into your phone. 
  • Acknowledge all the opportunity and success that lies within each girl you pass. I promise you – you will notice something new every time. 
  • Put yourself out there – Do not shy away from saying hi to people in the halls, at lunch, in the library, etc.
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