
The Beat

The Beat

Martina Santos 26 (left) hosts Nieves Gomez as an exchange student from Madrid.
Meet Nieves Gomez
May 27, 2024

Elly’s Tips for a Productive Year: Loving like God Loves

Photo is a vignette from the painting, Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat. 2020 (Oil on canvas /30 x 24in) By Steven B. Whatley

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”


In his opening letter to the Carrollton community, Head Master Kalkus reflected on this excerpt from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 13:13) sharing his theme words for the year. “Love and selflessness will strengthen us through unfamiliar challenges, magnify our joy and accomplishments, and nourish our development as a community of faith.”

With the start of this new year, we are 1 ½ years into the pandemic and these have been very challenging times. Our world has been turned upside down, and most sadly, we have suffered losses. It is at times like these when we must really turn to our faith and remember what it means to love one another. 

In her back to school letter to the Upper School community, Upper School Head Mrs. Feerick-Hillenbrand wrote, “… I invite you to think about the Upper School theme for this 2021-2022 academic school year. It is taken from the words we say during every liturgy we celebrate together. The priest says ‘Lift up your hearts’ and we say, ‘We lift them up to the Lord.’ The Latin version of this line was embossed on a pencil my father gave me many years ago from his school, Saint David’s, in New York City. I found it just recently in the drawer in my nightstand. It is a simple black pencil with unassuming gold lettering that reads: Sursum Corda – lift up our hearts.” 

Mrs. Feerick-Hillenbrand also reminded us that the motto of the Society of the Sacred Heart is “Cor Unum et Anima Una in Corde Jesu” and symbolizes One Heart and One Soul in the Heart of Jesus. 

Both Mr. Kalkus and Mrs. Feerick-Hillenbrand drew upon our rich Sacred Heart heritage which is essentially based on love. 

When we love like God loves, when we lift our hearts and souls to the Lord, when we are true to the motto of the Society of the Sacred Heart, “One Heart and One Soul in the Heart of Jesus,” then we are living as we should.

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