
The Beat

The Beat

Martina Santos 26 (left) hosts Nieves Gomez as an exchange student from Madrid.
Meet Nieves Gomez
May 27, 2024

Elly’s Tips for A Productive Year: How to ease your holiday stress


“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…Including you.”— Anne Lamott

For many people who suffer from depression and anxiety the holidays can be a challenging time. Some may miss loved ones they have lost, or even those from whom they have become estranged. Others, with fewer friends and family, might feel particularly isolated. 

Then, there is also all the anxiety caused by excessive busyness which typically accompanies all the holiday prep. People have to make many decisions regarding gifts, entertaining, and even cooking. Daniella Ruiz ‘24 said, “the three weeks leading up to Christmas break are very stressful and the most academically rigorous weeks of the year.” 

Still we shouldn’t forget that the holidays are also a time to reflect and be grateful for our blessings. With some practical tips, you can minimize the stress that accompanies the holidays. After all, the holidays are meant to be a time to spread joy and bring families together. 


    1. Acknowledge your feelings: The first step to healing is recognizing you need healing. It is normal to feel both sadness and grief. Although it is the holiday season, you cannot force yourself to be happy.
    2. Stick to a budget: If holiday shopping for gifts and foods stresses you out, decide how much money you would like to spend… and STICK TO IT! 
    3. Keep up with healthy habits: Make time for yourself. Do not let the holidays push you into overdrive.  Find something that reduces stress like yoga, reading, or going on a long morning walk. 
    4. Planning ahead: Holiday schedules tend to get crowded. So be sure to use your calendar to keep your days well organized.

The bottom line is that we should keep everything in perspective. While holiday celebrations are different now than before the pandemic, we should remind ourselves of what we are thankful for- the gift of life, family and friends. With a little planning and some positive thinking, you can find peace and joy during the holidays. 

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