
The Beat

The Beat

Martina Santos 26 (left) hosts Nieves Gomez as an exchange student from Madrid.
Meet Nieves Gomez
May 27, 2024

Virtual not vacation


Classes have gone virtual to avoid Covid-19

On March 13, 2020, Carrollton’s Head Master, Olen Kalkus, announced the school would be switching to virtual school until further notice. This measure was made to protect the community and reduce the spread of COVID-19. With social distancing being key to reducing transmission, Carrollton went virtual starting Monday March 16.

Students have made a smooth transition, however, they feel there are both pros and cons to virtual learning. Daniella Milton ‘23 shared her thoughts on virtual learning by comparing it to regular school. “I do enjoy seeing my friends and converse one on one with my teachers at school. However, I feel the teachers have done a very good job when formatting their online classes. They constantly ask if anyone is confused or needs explanations which is very helpful.” 

Sofia Tomas ‘23 also explained a few benefits from learning and taking exams online. “I have more time to do my homework and put a good effort into it. However, online schooling has made it more inconvenient to ask my teachers quick questions. I have benefitted from the online tests because for the most part we have been able to use our notes.”

Sofia Oliva ‘23 also shared some positive thoughts about online learning. “Some of the benefits are being able to sleep in, which I’ve noticed improves how I work. Another benefit is that whatever it is that I need, I have at my disposal because I am at my house.”

Lyana Azan, Upper School English Chair, expressed that two of her main concerns when teaching online are time and connection. “Although we are not physically at work, I have found that thinking about what are the essential understanding and skills I want my student to have, reenvisioning how to deliver the content as well as how to assess student understanding/skills has taken much more time than I anticipated.”  Mrs. Azan continued, “It has allowed me to explore and create new ways to engage with my students. However, I acknowledge that the distraction of being at home, having easy access to your browser and your phone, and no one looking over your shoulder, is making it more difficult. Perhaps it will require a more honest and open dialogue with students and setting intentions at the beginning of each class regarding what is expected of them.” Teaching virtually has demanded that teachers dedicate a bit more class time in order to communicate expectations to students.

Switching to virtual school pleased the Carrollton parents because it ensured that their child would be kept home and would free them from the risk of catching the virus at school. Marisol Hidalgo, mother of Olivia Hidalgo ‘23, wrote, “I feel it was a good decision to shut down school for the health and safety of my child because having my child at home prevents her from being in contact with others that may be exposed to COVID-19 or other common viruses or bacteria. This decision not only prevents my child from being sick, but also my whole family.” She continued, “Virtual schooling is a wise and necessary decision because it allows my child to continue to learn in quarantine. It also provides my child with normalcy in hectic times; it gives her a routine and mental stimuli.” 

So far, virtual school has been a good fix for the temporary closure of schools. All of Carrollton’s students, faculty, and parents have had good experiences and are expecting the remainder of learning online to be smooth as well.

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