
The Beat

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Martina Santos 26 (left) hosts Nieves Gomez as an exchange student from Madrid.
Meet Nieves Gomez
May 27, 2024

Senior sadness



On behalf of all the seniors: “This is our last year together. As of right now today was our last day of school together and some of us could not be there. We’re going to miss all of our lasts. Our last day of school together, our last prom, our last mass, our last graduation . we wanna ask that you spend this time by not going out and by not treating it like an extended break. For you, it’s just missing school. For us, it’s missing our last few moments together until we all leave to separate colleges across the nation. Please stay safe!” Shared on Google Chat on Friday March 13.

With social distancing spreading nationwide as a means to stop the spread of Covid-19 Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart began virtual learning in all grades as of March 16th.

The moment Carrollton’s Covid-19 closure was announced, there was revelry in the halls, but that was short-lived. Once the student body processed the fact that they would be unable to be with their friends, momentary cheers turned into sadness. This was particularly poignant for the senior class. Not only was their senior year going to be cut short, but some of the highlights of their final year were being postponed or possibly cancelled. Senior, Alexa Bravo shares her thoughts after receiving the news about virtual school, “I think personally I’m just really sad and helpless because there’s really nothing we can do but just wait it out and hope that we get some of what we have left back. These were supposed to be the best months of our high school career and it’s also our last chance to be with the people we’ve grown up with.” With only a few months left of the semester, seniors hope to return to school and make the most out of their time. Here’s a reflection by Lola Rodriguez, one out of 85 members of the class of 2020.

“What’s next? That’s a question I seem to be asking myself a lot recently. That along with questions such as, What about our last prom? Are we going to have a formal graduation? What do we do about IB testing? There are all these moments you plan for years as a child and have this perfect picture painted in your head of what you want that moment to look like. Unfortunately, for the class of 2020, it hasn’t been easy to live out that picture. Many have waited years to be named captain of their sport, to play their senior game, be recognized for their outstanding academic and extracurricular achievements they have worked so hard for throughout the years. Many have not been able to visit the schools they were accepted to and are struggling to make a final decision as to where they are going to spend the next 4 crucial years of their lives. Although I would love to be at school sitting in the hallway for lunch with my friends, laughing together in classes, enjoying our last moments together before we spread across the country to follow our dreams, this is the reality we have to face. But just like that, life isn’t perfect and we have to make the best out of a sad situation that many of us were not prepared for.”

The school closure was somewhat expected, but we are now in unfamiliar territory and this has impacted everyone in some way. Luckily, here at Carrollton we have our amazing technology team who designed and set up our virtual school. Still, many are  uncomfortable with this new reality. Students are trying their best to manage their workload, teachers are reevaluating their lesson plans, and parents are helping their children adjust and stay on top of their studies. Although this experience has been difficult for everyone, it is critical that we all stay open minded and tough, because we are a community and we will get through this together.

Michelle Boj, another senior writes, “I more than miss going to school, seeing my friends, sitting in class, talking with teachers, and making the last few memories at my home – Carrollton. Although the future is uncertain, I hope I am able to have my senior prom, graduate with my white dress, and finish my four-year journey at Carrollton.”

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About the Contributor
Viola Lake
Viola Lake, Editor in Chief
Viola Lake is a senior at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart. This will be her fourth year on The Beat news staff. She is the creator of the podcast "Viola's Voice," co-creator of the "Carrollton Cast" and the president of the News for the Heart Journalism Club.