Valentine’s Day reimagined: do it for you!

Miranda de Legorburu, Staff Writer

The month of February typically sparks one thought in everyone’s mind: Valentine’s Day. The sheer mention of it puts people in a frenzy; whether it’s the struggle of finding your significant other a gift, or searching for the perfect date location, Valentine’s Day can often prove more stressful than fun. 

Through all the lovey-dovey commercials and rom-coms, it can be hard to remember that Valentine’s Day isn’t 100% about being in a relationship. Valentine’s Day should be a day to appreciate those around you, and especially yourself, meaning that this year can be a year for you.

According to the Pew Research Center, the percentage of single Americans who are looking for a relationship is at a low this year, which means more people are satisfied being single, and you should be too.  

When it comes to being single on Valentine’s Day, you’re not alone. Fox News records around 28% of people find other ways to celebrate this day with friends, family, and themselves. So, this Valentine’s Day, take some time to appreciate those in your life who make it worth living. 

Here are some ideas to make this Valentine’s Day a memorable one: 

Plan a “Galentine’s Day”: 

Best friends come in all different forms, but everyone needs them in their life. This day is made for the celebration of those who are by your side every day. By planning an exciting outing or simply staying in and watching movies with snacks on hand, Galentine’s Day is a perfect way to spend your Valentine’s Day right this year with those you love. 

Have a self-care day:

Taking care of yourself is monumentally more important than being in any relationship, even though it may seem hard to believe sometimes. Take a day off, put on that movie you’ve been wanting to watch, and make your favorite foods; celebrate yourself and all that you do every day. Be your own Valentine!

Turn your family into your Valentines:

No valentine? No worries! The people who are present in your life every day and that you consider family are the most important in your life; celebrate with them! Spending quality time with family is unfortunately overlooked, but planning a select time on Valentine’s Day to get together and relax in each other’s company is another great way to spend this day full of love. 

In the wise words of Ian Somerhalder, “Taking a day out of our busy lives to celebrate the love in our lives is so important and should be every day. Celebrate love in your life — it’s what makes the world go around.”