
The Beat

The Beat

Martina Santos 26 (left) hosts Nieves Gomez as an exchange student from Madrid.
Meet Nieves Gomez
May 27, 2024

School closed, laptops opened


Carrollton School shut down due to the outbreak of Covid-19, but classes continue using online platforms.

Head Master Olen Kalkus wrote, “Please rest assured that as of this time, Carrollton has no cases of COVID-19. However, it has become clear that closing schools or moving to remote learning is one of the best ways to lower the rate of infection as children congregating in groups can spread the virus and become unknowing carriers. It is with an abundance of caution that we have come to this challenging decision.

Online school is exactly like a regular school day except instead of being in the classroom, it is in the comfort of your home. Online school is functioning well, but there are some challenges.

Carrollton students and teachers are new to this online platform and the technology is just something to get used to. Isa Cruz ‘23, writes, “I love it. I like being in the comfort of my own home. I also am more energized because I get to wake up later, but sometimes the teachers go too fast and that makes it difficult to ask questions.” Katayun Meyer ‘24 writes, “Online school has worked fine, but it is sometimes hard to get all the work done in time, and I miss my friends.”

Ninth grade Religion teacher, Ms. Andreu writes, “Online school has worked out better than I anticipated, but some students, very few, don’t have a strong enough internet connection and some students are not prepared for class or do not take it seriously as if they were in our actual classroom.”

Parents are also adjusting to online school. Some parents work full time and cannot stay home with their younger kids. Cristy Sotelo, mother of Sofia Sotelo ‘28 writes, “Having a younger boy is harder because they cannot get on the platform themselves, but for my older daughter it is working perfectly.”

Todd Barsky, father of Mia and Kate Barsky said, “Online school has worked out great except for my younger daughter having a minor panic attack when her computer turned off twice during her first test. He also writes, “I think the school was well prepared.”

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