
The Beat

The Beat

Martina Santos 26 (left) hosts Nieves Gomez as an exchange student from Madrid.
Meet Nieves Gomez
May 27, 2024

Students keep cool while doing virtual school 


The Covid-19 outbreak caused Carrollton to go virtual, and now students and teachers alike are continuing classes, but from the comfort of their own homes.

Just over two weeks ago, Carrollton Head Master Olen Kalkus announced that school would be closed starting Monday the 16th, due to the health threatening Coronavirus. As this information reached the students, some were overjoyed, but others were saddened to know that there is a possibility that school will not resume for the rest of the school year. In a message sent out, the senior class shared, “As of right now, today was our last day at school together. We want to ask that you spend this time by not going out. For you, it’s just missing school, for us, it’s missing our last few moments together until we go to college.”

Students have completed their second week of virtual school and they have a new perspective on how lucky they are to be able to see their teachers and friends almost every day. Marissa Rodriguez ‘23 wrote, “The biggest disadvantage of virtual school is that I do not get to see and interact with my friends and teachers. However, the teachers are doing a really great job with continuing to teach lessons like they usually would while we are in school.”

Teachers are also trying to get used to teaching virtually. Ninth grade world history teacher Corinna Ahearn wrote, “It has been an adjustment. I gave an online test on the second day. There were a few kinks in the new system, but we all handled it well! In my first lecture, I was nervous. I wanted to sound perfect on my presentations and hold “perfect” classes. Then I realized we are all in this together!”

Virtual school is not only an adjustment for teachers and students, but also for parents. Parents are not used to having their kids home throughout the day, and it can definitely be challenging with their schedules. Carrollton mother Malou Perricone said, “There have been no problems or issues with my children being home. Carrollton has taught them to be very motivated and independent, so they are always on top of their work. I think Carrollton took the correct and necessary measures to protect the health and well-being of all the members of the Carrollton community.”

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