On December 6, there was an intense battle of high pressure and intensity between Carrollton’s Blue (Grinch) and Gold (Santa) teams. This battle is known as Field Day.
The day began with an exciting pep rally in the Convocation Center, where team captains energized the entire Upper School with chants, cheers, and performances that showed a quick glimpse of the plans for the rest of the day. These included games such as Capture-the-Flag and Dodgeball, and the students were able to enjoy a classic yummy snack, Kona-Ice!
Even though the tradition promotes community among students, it also causes its share of healthy rivalry. Everywhere you go on Field Day, no matter the grade, you can always hear screaming, cheering, and arguing with a fire for victory behind each voice. Though the arguing is always passionate, there is always a realization of the true reason for Field Day, to have fun!
Now we all know exactly what you are reading for, the results! The winner of field day was…….Blue Team!
Ultimately, the blue team won four out other five Capture-the-Flag games and three out of the five Dodgeball games.
That being said, both teams made an admirable effort.
Following tradition at the end of the day, seniors celebrated their last Field Day together cheered on by the entire Upper School. As the end of Field Day came, we were reminded it is more than just a competition–it is a tradition for the entire school to enjoy. So, in reality, no matter the team, no matter the grade, we all ended the day off with a win.