
The Beat

The Beat

Martina Santos 26 (left) hosts Nieves Gomez as an exchange student from Madrid.
Meet Nieves Gomez
May 27, 2024

From white dresses to plaid skirts

From white dresses to plaid skirts

By: Alejandra Martinez-Fraga ‘25

Carrollton’s Uniform Evolution

Now in its sixth decade, the Carrollton uniform has undergone many changes. In 1962, when Carrollton first opened its doors, the uniform consisted of a white dress with matching white gloves and a red sash around the neck for the younger girls, and a striped blue and white dress with red buttons and a red belt for the older girls. It lasted for about 10 years and was very popular during the 60s when the custom was to dress more formally. 

It is interesting to watch the changes in our uniform over the decades and see how each one relates to the style of the time. Since Carrollton began, the custom was for the headmistress (or nuns) to decide the uniforms for the students. When the first uniform was introduced, it was extremely formal and after about a decade, a new and much more informal uniform was created. This temporary uniform consisted of a long light blue shirt with gray leggings and sandals, until a much nicer and more formal uniform was designed. This new uniform consisted of a blue plaid jumper for the younger girls and a dark blue jumper for the older girls. The fourth uniform was a red polo shirt with a khaki skirt and it lasted until 1992. 

Before Carrollton students wore white oxford shirts with their plaid skirts and pulled up white socks for mass, the mass uniform was the same style as their everyday uniforms except it was all in white. The P.E. uniform consisted of white culottes and a white polo shirt until 1992 when the current P.E. uniform was designed.

Between the 1960s and the present day, Carrollton has undergone 5 uniform changes. The present day uniform was established in 1992 and consists of a plaid skirt with either a blue, white, green, or pink shirt, and for primary school students a button down white blouse with a plaid jumper.

Mrs. Fernandez, Carrollton archivist, created a display with dolls that are dressed in each of the school uniforms worn over the years. When asked which uniform is her favorite, she said “I like the 60s uniform because it is beautiful and proper, but I think the current primary jumper is my favorite.” 


The Uniform Guidelines as Published in the 2021-2022 School Year Student Handbook: 

Uniform Policies:

Students are required to wear Carrollton AA Uniforms in good condition while on campus unless otherwise directed. Only sweaters and authorized jackets may be worn. Failure to observe the uniform policy will result in disciplinary action. Students are expected to display professionalism with regard to styles in jewelry, makeup, nail polish, and hair color/style. Students may not have visible tattoos, body markings, or body piercing jewelry other than those permitted on the ears. The Dean of Student Life reserves the right to determine individual cases. 

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